Body Fluids, Composition and Function of Blood
Body Fluids, Composition and Function of Blood. Body Fluids Body Fluids are dilute, watery solutions, containing dissolved chemicals found inside cells and surrounding them. Body fluid is present in 2 compartments in the body Inside the cell Outside the cell Types of Body Fluids: The fluid within cells is intracellular fluid (ICF) or cytosol. The fluid outside the body cells is extracellular fluid (ECF). ECF are present in the narrow space between the cells is called as interstitial fluid. ECF present in-- Blood vessels are called - Blood Plasma Lymphatic vessels - Lymph Brain and spinal cord - Cerebrospinal fluid Ears - Endolymph and perilymph Eyes - Aqueous humor There are two general barriers which separate the Intracellular fluid(ICF), Interstitial fluid, and blood plasma Plasma membrane: It is the barrier of cells which separate the intracellular fluid and the surrounding interstitial fluid. Blood vessels wall: It separates the interstitial fluid and th...